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our constitution

1. The name of this organisation shall be the Spenborough Chamber of Trade & Commerce.
2. The area served by the Membership shall be Cleckheaton & the Spen Valley.
3. The Aim of the Chamber shall be the promotion of commerce and industry in the area as a commercial entity, and to provide a forum for discussion and action on all business for the mutual benefit of its members and the area. It shall be available to represent its Members on all relevant issues concerning them to Local Government Authorities and Associations along with National Government and Bodies. This representation shall include environmental issues that may affect the quality of life for its members and other businesses.
4. Membership shall be open to all businesses including the self-employed operating within the area. The period of membership shall run from the first day of March until the last day of February in the following year, independent of joining date. A special concession shall exist for new members joining after the month of August, when an amount equal to half of the annual rate will be charged.
5. In the event of cessation of membership, no refunds will be given.
6. Other interest Organisations may join the Association as Associated Members, with one representative having full voting rights.
7. Officers will be elected at the Annual General Meeting to be held in June of each year.
8. Nominations for any Officer or Committee position may be given either in writing or in person at the relevant meeting. In the event of no proposals for a position, the Chairman and Committee may co-opt as needed from amongst the Members.
9. Voting at the Annual General Meeting is only available to those members who were fully paid up Members on the last day of the proceeding February. (i.e. Paid up for the year just ended). Voting at Ordinary meetings is only available to those Members fully paid up at that time. Each paid up Member shall only have one vote.
10. Any paid up Member unable to attend a meeting may give their proxy to another Member to vote in their place on any other matter at that meeting, providing written and signed notice is given to the Secretary before the meeting.
11. The organisation of the Chamber shall be in the hands of its elected Officers and Committee.
12. All positions shall be honorary.
13. Any expenses may be claimed, although these will have to be approved by the membership at the monthly meeting.
14. Ordinary General meetings shall be held on the second Monday of the month.
15. Constitutional matters, change of Officers or Constitution and disciplinary matters can only be transacted at either the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General Meeting.
16. Any proposal must be seconded before a vote can be taken, but it may be a written proposal.
17. The Financial Year of the Association shall run from the first day of March until the last day of February.
18. Membership fees for the forthcoming year shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting.
19. Extraordinary General Meetings may be called at any time by either 3 officers or by a written statement to the Secretary, signed by no less than six Members. In each case the purpose of the meeting must be clearly defined and at least seven days must be allowed for the meeting to be arranged.
20. The Secretary shall ensure that all members have at least seven clear days’ notice in writing of all Meetings of the Chamber. With this shall be included the Agenda and the minutes of the previous meeting.
21. The President and Secretary shall also prepare Agendas, represent the Association and its views to other Bodies and carry out the decisions of meetings.
22. Funds may be raised in addition to subscriptions by activities carried out in the name of the Spenborough Chamber of Trade and Commerce. Any such activities must be both lawful and of such a nature that they cannot bring the Chamber into disrepute. Such activities shall be instigated and managed by the Executive Committee. Any funds raised will be paid into the account of the Chamber. In all cases the functions should be advertised, ticketed etc, as being under the auspices of the Chamber.
23. The President will control meetings, by allowing a fair discussion of any topic with all Members present being allowed to speak. The President may use a Casting Vote in the event of a tied vote on any decision.
24. A nominated officer shall take over the Chair in the absence of the President.
25. The Treasurer shall collect from Members such subscriptions as deemed by the Annual General Meeting, will manage the Finances of the Association, will pay creditors promptly and keep such books as necessary to enable Audited Accounts to be prepared and presented to the Annual General Meeting.
26. The Secretary shall keep Minutes of all meetings, be responsible for all correspondence to and from the Association (making copies for Members where appropriate) and send out Notices of Meetings.
27. The Membership Officer shall be responsible for the development of the Association through new Membership.
28. The Committee shall be made up of the officers and are authorised to make decisions on any business that has been deemed urgent, or, has been referred to them by the ordinary Members. Further Members may be co-opted as required to help in various tasks.
29. Sub Committees may be appointed to action specific tasks and will report to the monthly meeting.
30. Unless agreed on by the meeting all business conducted by the Chamber will be open and in the public domain. A properly accredited press member can with permission of the meeting be allowed.

31. DISSOLUTION a) In the event, of the Chamber's Executive Committee recommending the closure of the Chamber, an Extraordinary General Meeting will be called to gain formal approval of the decision. b) At the meeting, approval of the closure will be decided by a two-thirds vote of members present. c) Members will be asked to decide on a charitable group(s) or organisation(s) having aims similar to the Chamber, where outstanding assets should be distributed. d) The Chamber's Executive Committee, will be responsible to ensure any remaining assets after debtors have been paid, are distributed in an orderly and proper manner and a final set of accounts is prepared before closure. e) The Chambers Executive Committee will also terminate any ongoing contracts, oversee the closure of the organisation's bank account, dispose of any private records, delete files and documentation relating to the organisation and close down the organisation's website, twitter, facebook and email accounts.





© 2024 Spenborough Chamber of Trade & Commerce

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